Monday, October 11, 2010

A journey starts with a single step...

Here is where my journey begins...

I have a problem, or at least my family has a problem. We are not good stewards with our food. We waste food, tons of food. We go to the grocery store at least twice a week to pick up just that one item we forgot and end up buying a cart full, we forget about that food in the back of the fridge until it rots, we throw out half of the meal we made because we don't eat leftovers, and we go out to dinner often, too often, because we don't have a plan and don't feel like cooking a big meal last minute.

How many of you can say that your family doesn't at least do one of those things? Well I'm determined to stop. My husband and I have been feeling God telling us that we need to become better stewards of our food. A weird concept I realize. But stewardship means taking care of the blessings God has provided us with and being thankful for what we have been given. A step my family and I have sadly missed up to this point.

I'm not a wonderful writer, or even a fantastic cook, in fact, I'd rather not cook most nights. I am, however, an everyday mom who is going to try something new for the next year and see if I can succeed at saving money and food, while at the same time tempting my families taste buds, learning new and exciting things and sharing my journey with you.

So, welcome, I hope you enjoy the ride...


  1. Gill,
    I am really excited to follow this blog. I too have found too many unused items in the fridge that seemed like a good deal at the time, or was a random buy. I have found a meal calendar helps me, but those random purchases are hard. I look forward to reading your blog for ideas, insights, and fun too! Funny, I just started my own blog tonight and put it up on facebook....let's see what God does in us through this :)

  2. Hi there Gill...
    I remember the days you are going through with little ones and trying to feed the mom and dad and the "babies" and they don't eat the same things. I look forward to your blog and hope to share some tips along the way that have helped me. I'm still not organized the way I'd like to be, so I'm not expert, but you never know...we may give one another ideas!

  3. This is a daily struggle in our house, but we have worked pretty hard on having a plan. The amount of money we have saved is incredible!! We also have used to help us with meal plans the kids will even try. It's a small fee, and we only did it for long enough to get a rotating schedule. But the amount of money we saved on having a plan was made up quickly. It not only gives you a meal plan, but also a shopping list. I like picking and choosing. Can't wait to learn from your journey!!
